Free RHS study guide plans and more

The Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) now offers more resources for candidates to prepare for DANB exams and earn certification, including:
- Free study guide plans
- Study plan email and text reminders
- A discount for exam retakes
Free study guide plans now available
Study guide plans are now available at no cost. Dental assistants preparing to take DANB exams, including the RHS exam, can download the study guide plans to help them create a study schedule. They can also sign up for email and text reminders to help them stay on track.
The study guide plans follow DANB exam outlines and recommend trusted exam prep materials, breaking down study assignments in an easy-to-follow, week-by-week format.
In a small study, candidates who used the RHS Study Guide Plan had a 22% higher pass rate compared to candidates who did not use the study guide plan. They also had positive feedback. “The study guide was great,” said one participant. “I hope everyone can get a chance to study like this.”
RHS exam retake discount
DANB now offers discounts to candidates who wish to retake the RHS exam. If a candidate does not pass the exam on the first try, they can reapply for the RHS exam and receive a one-time 33% discount off the regular exam price. Candidates who are eligible to reapply and receive the discount will be contacted directly by DANB.
RHS exam under regular review
This year, DANB is reviewing the RHS exam against the latest job analysis and content validation studies, which come from surveying working dental assistants. Regular reviews like these are done to ensure DANB exams reflect current functions and duties. No new content will be added, but some content may be updated or removed. Updates based on this review will be available later this year.